
Bailli – Local President
Bailli Délégué – National President
Bailli Provencal – Regional President
Bailliage – Chapter
Chevalier – Nonprofessional male member title
Dame de Chaîne – Nonprofessional female member title
Vice Chancelier-Argentier – Vice President and Treasurer
Vice Conseiller Gastronomique – a non-professional in charge of the menu selection and wines for bailliage functions.
Vice Conseiller Culinaire – food or service professional or other professional dealing with the procurement and service of food. Their primary function is the realization of the dinner, its ambiance, decor, decorations and menu.
Vice Chargé de Missions – serves at the request of the Bailli, Undertakes special tasks such as membership and functions.
Vice Chargé de Presse – photography & publications,
Vice Echanson – is in charge of activities, functions and administration relating to Société Mondiale du Vin. They assist in selection of wines for all bailliage functions and are generally responsible for the bailliage wine cellar, if any.
Professional Members
Maître Rôtisseur
Maître Hôtelier
Maître Rôtisseur Traiteur
Maître de Table Hôtelier
Maître de Table Restaurateur
Chef Rôtisseur
Professionnel de la Table
Professionnel du Vin
Maître d’Honneur (honorary)